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  Expert Help Engine - Features and Technical Specifications

    The Expert Help Hypertext Search Engine is a memory resident
    "search engine" designed to read and display information from
    all Expert Help and Norton Guides databases. Information is
    electronically cross-referenced and indexed for fast information

    Features Include:
    Can run in memory resident mode or as a standalone DOS program and
    is DESQview compatible as well as Network compatible:

    100% compatible with all Norton Guides Databases: Over 100 topics
    are available.

    Requires only 1kb of main memory: Can run directly from expanded
    memory EMS, using only 1kb of main memory or loaded directly into HIGH
    MEMORY. (62k is required if expanded or high memory is not available).

    Cut and Paste/Print: Lets you mark a block of text (up to the length
    of the entry in size) and paste it into your application or send it dir-
    ectly to your printer.

    25 - 60 Line Video Support: The Expert Help Engine
    dynamically adjusts to your current video mode.

    Auto Lookup: Automatically searches for the word at your cursor
    when you pop-up the engine. All short entries are searched in the
    entire Database.

    Global Searching: Can locate text anywhere in the Database.

    Sticky Window: Lets you view subject matter after returning to
    your work.

    Mouse Support: No need to remember key commands. Lets you locate
    information without using your keyboard.

    Configurable Colors: Pick your favorite combination.

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Welcome to Expert Help What's in the Expert Help Package System Requirements Hypertext Databases - Technical Specifications Installing Expert Help Running Expert Help A Quick Start The Text Display Window Summary of the Pull Down Menus Using a Hypertext Database The Expand Menu Related Topics How to Order Expert Help
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson